Sunday, October 23, 2011

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" - Virgina Woolf

I'll admit that growing up I would sneak over to friend’s homes to eat fluff, or grab handfuls of Lucky Charms, while in front of Clarissa Explains It All, a refreshing change from Wishbone. But now at the ripe old age of twenty, I am extremely conscientious of what I eat, and well, what I watch. After growing up with a mother that emphasized the importance of purchasing power and our natural environment, I try to be aware of what I buy and ingest.

Food is the realm in which I spend most of my income. Surprisingly though, I don’t mind, though it would be nice if it were cheaper! I love to cook and even more, to eat. So when it comes to choosing a grocery store, a farmer’s market is best, then a local natural food store, and lastly where I shop most is Whole Foods, who’s practices are, well, speculative. Nonetheless, here I can buy my essentials and hopefully when possible, organic as well as local. When I buy produce I always choose organic, as long as the price differentiation is not too large. Not only am I trying to make a point, in that consumer demand is for organic products and hopefully decreasing the price in the long run, but also the idea of eating something directly sprayed with toxic chemicals is unappetizing. As for other goods, I allot myself a little more leeway. Milk is always hormone free and my eggs come from cage range, hormone free, and antibiotic free hens. But as for cheese and bread I am not too picky. For the most part, meat and seafood are out of the question, I leave such delicacies for when I take trips home! Not only are they extremely expensive but seafood is fairly unsustainable and meat is a major contributor to climate change, as greenhouse gases are a large byproduct of the industry. I guess it is appropriate to say that I have both my health and the environment in mind when I shop. I am a strong believer in preventative medicine and the correlation between food and our well being, both mental and physical. To some I may seem like a snob, but this happens to be an issue I am very passionate about.

In the last few days I have had my typical oatmeal with a banana, almond butter and raisins for breakfast and for lunch it has varied between egg sandwiches and salads. Dinner has consisted of a baked egg with herbs, as well as brussels sprouts with walnuts and cheese. On the side, I have made homemade Lara Bars (I strongly recommend this recipe), dark chocolate covered pretzels, and hummus. Of course I am forgetting the copious amount of chocolate that I eat daily. As for beverages, soda makes me sick so I stick to water, milk with my breakfast, and lots of tea. It is difficult for me to say which item has the largest environmental impact but it most likely involves those that require animals, as in eggs from chickens, milk from cows, and cheese from sheep. The reason being, animals require resources such as food, water, and land, and they also produce waste, emit methane and their products require factories that emit pollutants. If I did not love food so much I wouldn’t have blabbered on about my gastronomic adventures but it’s hard to not care for nature’s bounty!

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